We offer a six week programme looking at the skills required to parent positively.
There is no manual for raising children but we believe it takes a community to come together and share what has worked and what can be done differently.
Share Parenting Skills
Discuss Challenges
Gain Support
Work Together
Parenting Is An Art
Join our positive parenting group to create a picture that promotes the best for our children and young people . We all need support and guidance at times and if we want to show our young ones the bigger picture we have to be willing to assist in the sketch, so grab your pen pencil or paint brush and paper so that we can create on the canvas of life.
lets get to painting.........
Positive Parenting
what is it?
It is parents from all walks of life who meet, greet and eat whilst working through a programme of topics that parents face today.
How can I get involved?
Just simply contact us
we will run through some details with you and provide you with the information you need.